October 1, 2023

Enhanced Security and Upcoming Features

We're happy to share some significant updates to our URL shortening service, enhancing both security and your overall experience.

Enhanced Security with Google's Web Risk API

Our commitment to your online safety has led us to integrate Google's Web Risk API. This advanced security feature scans URLs against a database of known threats, ensuring each link you shorten is protected from risks such as phishing and malware.

Upcoming: Link Inspector and Link Previews

In our commitment to continuous improvement, we're excited to announce two upcoming features: the Link Inspector and Link Previews. The Link Inspector will enable you to see where a redirecting link leads before you shorten or visit it, adding a layer of safety and informed decision-making. Similarly, Link Previews will allow you to get a sneak peek of a link’s destination during the shortening process, offering transparency and control over the links you share.

Speedier Service

We've also made our URL shortening process faster. Expect quicker responses and a smoother experience when shortening your links, making our service not only safer but more efficient.


With these security enhancements and the anticipation of new features, we're dedicated to providing a URL shortening service that's secure, user-friendly, and efficient. Keep an eye out for the launch of the Link Inspector and Link Previews, and thank you for relying on us for your URL shortening needs!